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dermatitis eczema
Eczema Awareness Month – Complete Guide on Eczema

October is Eczema Awareness Month. For individuals living with eczema, you will be all too familiar with the trials of handling this skin complaint. It’s our mission throughout October, and beyond to educate, support and empower you by delivering invaluable insights on its origin, available therapies and practical coping strategies. In this all-encompassing guide we […]

varicose vein removal
Understanding Varicose Veins: Symptoms, Treatments and Prevention

Varicose Disease Awareness Month focuses on raising awareness about varicose veins, a common but often ignored condition affecting millions globally. This September, we’re highlighting the importance of early detection, available treatments and lifestyle changes to effectively manage varicose veins. By increasing awareness, we aim to encourage individuals to prioritise their vein health and seek professional […]

psoriasis awareness month
All About Psoriasis Awareness Month

Observed every August, Psoriasis Awareness Month is a dedicated period for spreading knowledge about psoriasis – a persistent skin disorder affecting millions globally. The campaign is centred around dispelling misconceptions about psoriasis, promoting early diagnosis and advocating for effective treatment strategies. For persons living with psoriasis, the month is a beacon of unity and assistance. […]

Preserve Your Skin, Maintain Your Youth – The Essential Guide to SPF

Unleashing the Potential of Sunscreen Ever wondered why the SPF label is so omnipresent on skincare products? The SPF world is a labyrinth for skincare newbies and wellness enthusiasts. We’re here to guide you. In this guide, we’ll delve into the reasons for SPF being an essential skincare product, the process of selecting the right […]

Acne awareness month
Acne Awareness Month – From Causes to Care

June is globally recognised as Acne Awareness Month – a period committed to comprehending and tackling one of the top skin disorders affecting people everywhere. Acne Awareness Month reminds us of the necessity of learning, support and availability of effective treatments for those battling acne. This month works towards dispelling myths, disseminating knowledge about causes […]

Melanoma Awareness Month 2
Protect Your Skin: The Importance of Melanoma Awareness Month

May is not just a month of blooming flowers and warm weather—it’s a time of heightened vigilance against a silent but deadly foe to our skin health. Melanoma Awareness Month is an annual clarion call, not only for cancer survivors but for all of us to champion the prevention and early detection of melanoma, the […]

Rosacea awareness month 2024
A Complete Overview of Understanding and Handling Rosacea: Your Guide for Rosacea Awareness Month 2024

April marks Rosacea Awareness Month, an ideal time to highlight this frequently occurring yet routinely misunderstood skin condition. For the numerous individuals around the globe affected by rosacea, remember that you’re not alone in your struggle. Rosacea is a chronic inflammation disorder, most notably causing facial redness and sometimes resulting in bumps similar to pimples, […]

Podiatrists Treat Ingrown Toenails
A Guide To How Podiatrists Treat Ingrown Toenails

Ignoring your feet can be dangerous. However, it’s not just about having a stylish and comfortable pair of shoes – it’s the health of your feet that truly matters. One of the most common and painful foot conditions affecting millions each year is the ingrown toenail. This seemingly minor issue, if left untreated, can escalate […]

Winter Skincare Routine
Winter Skincare Routine: A Guide to Nourishing Your Skin

Table of Contents As the weather gets colder, the promise of cozy moments gets closer. But the winter season also brings unique challenges for our skin, body, and overall well-being. For some people (especially those with sensitive skin), winter is the time for cracked lips, oily skin, and dehydrated bodies. If this sounds relatable, read […]

Acne Awareness Month 2023

Acne is one of the most common skin conditions, affecting a significant percentage of the population. Despite its prevalence, few people know that June is acne awareness month. This presents a perfect opportunity to delve deeper into the condition and answer some of the burning questions that most acne sufferers have.  What is acne? What […]

Varicose Veins: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Do you have unsightly or uncomfortable leg veins? While some leg veins are harmless, varicose veins can cause symptoms like pain, swelling, itching, and cramping. These threats can be mitigated with early detection and timely action, so don’t wait to be seen by your GP or in the NHS, be seen quickly by one of […]

Why should I see a Consultant Dermatologist?

BENEFITS OF SEEING A CONSULTANT DERMATOLOGIST. You may have heard of the term ‘Consultant Dermatologist’ but not really known exactly what they do or what the benefits of seeing one are. Here we will explain what dermatology is, what a Consultant Dermatologist is and how they may be able to help you. What is Dermatology? […]

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psoriasis awareness month
All About Psoriasis Awareness Month

Observed every August, Psoriasis Awareness Month is a dedicated period for spreading knowledge about psoriasis – a persistent skin disorder affecting millions globally. The campaign